What to do with professional burnout

    So i am in a progress of doing research now. Still don't have any plan, but to keep everything noted decided to write here. Almost every article has this to-do list when it is about burnout:

1. Pay attention to your feelings

2. Examine your boundaries

3. Cultivate interests outside of work

4. Build relationships with colleagues PASS

5. Keep work at work

6. Look for a quick win

7. Share your concerns with a manager

8. Take care of your physical health

9. Practice mindfulness

10. Ask for help PASS

    Of course i won't be doing every single thing. But i highlighted with a bold text what i want to focus on. 
    I want to start to go to the gym. Hope gym will help me with three highlighted points, like, taking care of my health, cultivate interests outside of the work and keep work at work (well, at least for three days in a week i will need to finish at 6pm and go to the gym, it is good for the start i assume).
    "Practice mindfulness" thing is a tricky one, i have no clue what the hell does it mean. Google shows some yoga bullshit (sorry to everybody who found out themselves reading it and felt offended, i respect your interests and hobbies 100%), so i gonna dive into that a bit later.

Next step is to stick for gym at least this and whole next week. Little steps, like they say


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